Should You Do Your Website In-House?
By Mike Forrest, Owner/CEO at Archmore Business Web
The larger question of just how to get a website made can apply to almost any activity that your business does. When should you perform functions that your business is engaged in, in-house and when not to?
It is of particular importance to your website and some digital marketing activities. Why would this be? Not every support activity in your business will have the cumulative impact that you might have by attempting to build your own website.
Mistakes in this area will cost you many times over. Suppose that because you do not know quite enough and do not pay attention to even one element that would bring in even one more customer per month. What is the cumulative cost of this? If you keep your webzine for 5 years you may be shorted 60 new customers over the life of the website. Compare this to the savings you may have gotten by having a non-marketing professional build your site. There is no comparison.
The main reason is that you cannot supervise someone if you totally lack any knowledge of what they are doing. For that matter you cannot hire someone either. When you farm out a task you are not working with someone who will be doing the work but someone who knows enough about his work and something about your business as well.
If you hire website guy, do you know what skills he needs to have? There is so much more to building a website than what you see on your computer screen.
There are many considerations to building a website and unless you have quite a bit of experience in the area you will not be able to tell if your new guy or girl even knows what to do.

By Mike Forrest, Owner/CEO at Archmore Business Web
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