The Digital Marketing Journal

This is our digital marketing journal. We talk about all things related to Digital Marketing, SEO and Website design.
October 14, 2019

Do You Only Have 1/3 of a Website?

Most people have a nice brochure on the web because that is what the guy paying for it knows about and can see. Even so, there are many sites out there that just don’t look right. Not necessarily bad just not right. As if you met someone and they wore an overcoat in the summer or wore shorts to your meeting in the winter.
November 13, 2019

Use Your Website to Reduce Operating Costs

We spend a lot of time using the web and the website to get more business with good reason too. From time to time it is useful to see what we may be missing in using the web and technology to actually reduce costs. A dollar saved represents a lot more than one more dollar in the door. The average percent profit of American Corporations is less than 8%. If you want $100 more profit you would need to increase revenue by almost $1,300!
January 3, 2020

Should You Do Your Website In-House?

The larger question of just how to get a website made can apply to almost any activity that your business does. When should you perform functions that your business is engaged in, in-house and when not to? It is of particular importance to your website and some digital marketing activities. Why would this be? Not every support activity in your business will have the cumulative impact that you might have by attempting to build your own website.
February 19, 2020

Basics of Using the Web to Get More Business Leads

If you are like a lot of people, you have a website but get very few leads from it. You even wonder if it was worth the effort. Having a website is not the end of what you need to do to get leads from using the internet. It is the beginning.
August 10, 2020

How Important is Your Website?

Today your website is THE most important marketing property you own. The website domain name and the website itself funnel all meaningful new business to you. If you do not believe this or feel that the leads find you by "word-of-mouth", you are not getting your share of the new business that is out there.
February 24, 2021

How do Landing Pages Work?

In a nutshell, a Landing Page is a web page that appears (where you "land on") when you click on a link. This link can be an email link, a blog link, a social media link, a link from an ad, a QR code or an organic search link. A landing page can be any page on your website that you intend for visitors to find. Landing pages are an important aspect of every website and is essential for digital marketing and SEO strategy.
May 7, 2021

Eight Things You Need in Your Website in 2021

Your website acts as a marketing tool for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is seen by hundreds or thousands of people each month. A small defect or a compelling advantage will be seen by all those visitors. A small advantage gets multiplied by all those viewing your website. Let’s say you have 500 website visitors each month (not out of the question) and you implement a change that gets just 1% more of them to call you. Over a years’ time this is 60 more prospect calls. The reverse is also true. If due to the construction of your website some people drop off early let’s say–1%; then you get 60 fewer phone calls each year! It is worth a few hours of your time to at least get the big stuff right.
June 11, 2021

What Information Should I Be Giving to My Web or Graphic Designer?

When a client looks at a new design being presented to them they may say that certain expectations are not being met, but in reality were those expectations even mentioned to the designer to begin with? Below I am going to explain what information I believe is necessary to hand over to your designer before they begin your design project in order for them to ideally create pieces for your specific business.
October 14, 2019

Do You Only Have 1/3 of a Website?

Most people have a nice brochure on the web because that is what the guy paying for it knows about and can see. Even so, there are many sites out there that just don’t look right. Not necessarily bad just not right. As if you met someone and they wore an overcoat in the summer or wore shorts to your meeting in the winter.
November 13, 2019

Use Your Website to Reduce Operating Costs

We spend a lot of time using the web and the website to get more business with good reason too. From time to time it is useful to see what we may be missing in using the web and technology to actually reduce costs. A dollar saved represents a lot more than one more dollar in the door. The average percent profit of American Corporations is less than 8%. If you want $100 more profit you would need to increase revenue by almost $1,300!
January 3, 2020

Should You Do Your Website In-House?

The larger question of just how to get a website made can apply to almost any activity that your business does. When should you perform functions that your business is engaged in, in-house and when not to? It is of particular importance to your website and some digital marketing activities. Why would this be? Not every support activity in your business will have the cumulative impact that you might have by attempting to build your own website.
February 19, 2020

Basics of Using the Web to Get More Business Leads

If you are like a lot of people, you have a website but get very few leads from it. You even wonder if it was worth the effort. Having a website is not the end of what you need to do to get leads from using the internet. It is the beginning.
August 10, 2020

How Important is Your Website?

Today your website is THE most important marketing property you own. The website domain name and the website itself funnel all meaningful new business to you. If you do not believe this or feel that the leads find you by "word-of-mouth", you are not getting your share of the new business that is out there.
February 24, 2021

How do Landing Pages Work?

In a nutshell, a Landing Page is a web page that appears (where you "land on") when you click on a link. This link can be an email link, a blog link, a social media link, a link from an ad, a QR code or an organic search link. A landing page can be any page on your website that you intend for visitors to find. Landing pages are an important aspect of every website and is essential for digital marketing and SEO strategy.
May 7, 2021

Eight Things You Need in Your Website in 2021

Your website acts as a marketing tool for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is seen by hundreds or thousands of people each month. A small defect or a compelling advantage will be seen by all those visitors. A small advantage gets multiplied by all those viewing your website. Let’s say you have 500 website visitors each month (not out of the question) and you implement a change that gets just 1% more of them to call you. Over a years’ time this is 60 more prospect calls. The reverse is also true. If due to the construction of your website some people drop off early let’s say–1%; then you get 60 fewer phone calls each year! It is worth a few hours of your time to at least get the big stuff right.
June 11, 2021

What Information Should I Be Giving to My Web or Graphic Designer?

When a client looks at a new design being presented to them they may say that certain expectations are not being met, but in reality were those expectations even mentioned to the designer to begin with? Below I am going to explain what information I believe is necessary to hand over to your designer before they begin your design project in order for them to ideally create pieces for your specific business.