Social Media Marketing For Startups

By Daclaud Lee, SEO Consultant and Project Manager at Archmore Business Web

You are a startup and need some kind of marketing strategy. If you're like most startups, you don't have a lot of money to go around. You will have to be selective in the way that you choose to market your business. Social media is a quick, easy and inexpensive way for you to engage with your customers, build brand awareness and start turning potential customers into your paying customers.

Small businesses have been flocking to platforms such as Twitter, YouTube, Tik Tok and Facebook for some time now. But if you are going to go the social media route, it can be a challenge to figure out which ones to choose. Fret you not, at Archmore Business Web, our social media and digital marketing specialists are here to guide you through the process with the best social media marketing strategies for your startup!

How Can Social Media Help Startups?

Social media can help startups by taking control of your brand. Social media gives you the opportunity to listen, share, and reach out to your target audience. You want to get as many people interacting with your social media posts as possible by creating a combination of clickable content and static content for your social media pages. 

This article will tell you how social media can help startups and why they should be on social media. You can learn more about how social media works for startups to increase your brand's visibility.

Why Do You Need Social Media Marketing?

If you are a business, then social media can either be your main marketing strategy or it can be a supplemental marketing strategy.

When you have a business, social media marketing can be your main marketing strategy. From interacting with potential new customers to dealing with any complaints or questions from current customers, social media marketing can be very useful for your business.

Social media marketing is a powerful business strategy that can help your business get a bigger slice of the pie. Today, when you look around, you will find that many businesses are using social media marketing to drive traffic for their website and ultimately generate more sales.

Building an Audience on Social Media as a Startup

If you are a startup, then building an audience on social media can be easy for some, but challenging for others. Having sharable posts that take advantage of hashtags, mentions and a call to action can definitely increase your audience. There are also a variety of paid and boosted posts that you can try. I think the best way to build an audience is to focus on making your content as sharable and shareable as possible.

The content you create should be interesting and captivating as well as relevant for people to want to follow your business. 

What Kind Of Social Media Should I Use?

You're starting a new business and you need social media. You've heard on Facebook how other businesses have been successful using it to promote their brand and drive website traffic. Now you need to figure out what social media platform you should use for your startup. You thought it was going to be easy, but the more research you do, the more confusing it gets. The first step is to figure out what kind of social media platform will work best for your business.

Below are a few social media platforms that all businesses use. You don't need to use all of them, but it will certainly not hurt to have a profile on all of these social media sites even if you aren't active.

  • Facebook
  • YouTube
  • Twitter
  • TikTok
  • Linkedin
  • Pinterest

Launching Your Startup Social Media Campaign

As a startup, you will need to launch your social media campaign as soon as your business opens up. If you are a brick and mortar business, then you can use print marketing and QR code marketing to encourage your customers to join your social media. If you are a digital business, then you may need to rely on paid ads.

Growing Your Brand on Social Media

So you built your startup on social media. Well done, good for you! But now you're struggling to find new customers. Well, I'm here to tell you that this is OK. It comes with the territory. Anyone who gives you an easy time of getting customers is wrong. It takes hard work, but it will pay off in the end.

What Should I Post on Social Media?

We all know this is still the golden age of social media and yet, we spend a lot of time trying to figure out what to post on social media. Let's break this down and see how you can use social media as effectively as possible...

  • Memes - Many people enjoy social media for fun. While having fun, they can also be exposed to new businesses, products and services. You can do this by posting a funny and shareable meme, especially when it relates to situational and life experiences. Create a good meme that someone can relate to and share with others within social media
  • FAQs  - Considering new people no nothing about your startup, you will want to tell them about it. Post frequently asked questions that your customers may have about your startup and the answers to them.
  • Tutorials  - No everyone can figure things out out of the box. If your customer has a problem that your startup can solve, then you will want to post a video tutorial so they can get a better understanding of how your product works.
  • Teasers - If you are releasing a product that is about to hit the market by storm, then you want to tease the customer and get them interested and wanting more. By posting a teaser, you can get your customers to wonder and talk about your startup.
  • Demonstrations - People want to see your product or services in action. They want to know what your startup can do for them. By posting demonstration videos, you can generate customer interest.
  • Sales - If you are having trouble getting people to bite, then bait them with a sale! As a startup, you can do a discount for the first week in order to encourage people to give your brand a try!
  • Free Giveaway - Many companies, especially restaurants do this by offering free food for first time downloads of your app, but if your startup sells high ticket items, then you can still give away supplementary items that go with your product or service. For example, if you are selling a car, then you may include a free car vacuum. If you are selling a air duct cleaning services, then maybe you can throw in free dryer vent cleaning with your standard service. 

Utilize Your Website to Build Your Social Media Followers

You can use your website to build up your social media following by adding a call to action on your landing pages. If you do your SEO right, then you will most likely be getting traffic to your website from people who are looking for your product or services. Leverage this opportunity by asking them to also follow your startup on social media! In order to get organic traffic, you will need to get your website ranked in the search engines!

Even The Big Players Fail At Social Media

Being a startup means you are still learning as you go. Your company is still new and no one can predict where you will be headed. However, you can avoid a downward spiral with a properly implemented social media campaign. In order to do this, your startup's social media strategy should be non-offensive and easy to bounce back from. 

There are many social media horror stories out there. You may have had good intentions, but managed to invoke the wrath of the Twitter Mob nonetheless. For example, McDonald's perfectly innocent Twitter campaign called #McDstories turned into nightmare fuel for their brand. Don't be afraid of a failed social media campaign, because you can always bounce back! Sure, it will be embarrassing, but as cliche as it sounds: what doesn't kill your brand, can only make it stronger!

Does Your Startup Need Help With Social Media Marketing?

We are Archmore Business Web. If you thought our tips were helpful, then be sure to share this article with others on social media. If you need help with social media marketing for your startup, then we can help! Reach out and get in touch with us to get a free quote!

Daclaud Lee Dublin Ohio

By Daclaud Lee, Project Manager and SEO Consultant at Archmore Business Web.

Daclaud is an award winning SEO and digital marketing consultant. He has a Bachelor of Science in Digital Marketing and has been practicing SEO, web development and social media advertising since 2009.